Proud to showcase

City­Wa­ve Aus­tria – the Story.

When we deve­lo­ped the idea for the City­Wa­ve, we were deep­ly in search of extra­or­di­na­ry ide­as for the brand Coro­na Extra. Any­way it should be sum­mer, sun, beach and sea. With the City­wa­ve® tech­no­lo­gy, we found a basis from which we deve­lo­ped a uni­que and com­ple­te­ly new concept.

If the­re are no waves, make your own.

An event with a tem­po­ra­ry sur­fing faci­li­ty — sur­fing in the midd­le of Vien­na. As the main part­ner of the first sea­son, the mobi­le ope­ra­tor Drei was won, who was able to impres­si­ve­ly pro­ve that the­re is always ano­ther way. 3CityWave has been award­ed with gold at the Aus­tri­an Event Awards 2016.

In its second sea­son, the City­Wa­ve was relo­ca­ted to the Mul­ti­plex Ter­ras­sen in the Shop­ping City Süd. And from then on sur­fing was made pos­si­ble in the Sur­fing City Süd. 500,000+ visi­tors and 35,000+ sur­fed ses­si­ons in four sea­sons so far speak for themselves.

Sea­son 1, 2016

Sea­son 2, 2017

Sea­son 3, 2018

Sea­son 4, 2019

Sea­son 5, 2020

Sea­son 6, 2021

Sea­son 7, 2022
Sea­son 8, 2023

Sea­son 9, 2024

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