What we do is:

Crea­ting awesome moments.

We are a team of expe­ri­en­ced spe­cia­lists who are deve­lo­ping out­standing con­cepts and con­ver­ting them into mind blo­wing executions.

What we do is:

Crea­ting awesome moments.

We are a team of expe­ri­en­ced spe­cia­lists who are deve­lo­ping out­standing con­cepts and con­ver­ting them into mind blo­wing executions.
Fea­tured pro­ject #1


May – Octo­ber 2020
Shop­ping City Süd, Vösendorf
Fea­tured pro­ject #2

Trachten­pärchen Ball

Sep­tem­ber 2007 – 2016
Wie­ner Rathaus
About us

Live Marketing natives!

Com­mit­ted to deve­lop out­standing and mind blo­wing concepts.

We think out­side of the box and crea­te solu­ti­ons that break new ground. We are always rea­dy to fol­low new paths. Together with our clients.

Our heri­ta­ge gives us a gre­at under­stan­ding of brands. And sin­ce we are run­ning our own projects, we do have a deeper under­stan­ding of the cli­ent side too. That dif­fe­ren­tia­tes us from most other Live Marketing agencies.

Our ser­vices

We love what we do.

Our team has a strong know­ledge in con­cep­ti­on and pro­duc­tion. We are part­ne­ring with the best in the mar­ket to make your events one of a kind.

AWSM_GmbH first was to lead the busi­ness of Autri­as first City­wa­ve® pro­ject and was born from an extra­or­di­na­ry solu­ti­on for one of our adver­ti­sing agen­cy cli­ents. At that time, we had alre­a­dy deve­lo­ped dozens of dif­fe­rent live marketing projects in the past with our agen­cy “kreit­ner & part­ner”. From small B2B events to huge public events. As the demand for our ser­vices at AWSM grows, we have deci­ded to give AWSM_GmbH more opti­ons than just working on their own projects.

That’s what |
Your Pro­ject

Our start­ing point: your brand. In this pha­se you can alre­a­dy lose a lot of influence. Awesome that we can hand­le brands.


No ide­as wit­hout a plan. An awesome plan is one of the most important things in deve­lo­ping live marketing solutions.


We know how important awesome ide­as are. Deve­lo­ping the best solu­ti­ons for your pro­ject is the key to your success.


We can deli­ver awesome pro­duc­tions. Our part­ner net­work is lar­ge, mul­ti­fa­cet­ted and high­ly professional.


We are used to ensu­ring an awesome level of high qua­li­ty so that you can be your own guest at your event.

Meet us


 Lucas Prodinger

CEO & Co-founder
and awesome
man of the mission

 Cle­mens Kreitner

and awesome
man with the plan

 Micha­el Krikula

and awesome man
of archi­tec­tu­re and media

Proud to showcase

A sta­tio­na­ry wave for sur­fers and a beau­tiful hot spot for visi­tors. 2016 loca­ted on the Schwar­zen­berg­platz in the inner City of Vienna.

From 2017 on instal­led at the Mul­ti­plex Ter­ras­sen in the Shop­ping City Süd
(which we call now the Sur­fing City Süd).


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Some of our projects

Have a look.

Dis­play­ing a few show­ca­ses for more insights.
Cli­ent based projects. And our own developments.
Every case has it’s own story.

Have a pro­ject in mind ?

Com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on is everything!

We are hap­py to lis­ten to you and look for­ward to tal­king to you about your pro­ject. Cont­act us if you have any ques­ti­ons and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Whe­re to find us

Wundt­gas­se 7
1230 Vien­na, Aus­tria
+431 888 99 33



CEO: Lucas Pro­din­ger
UID: ATU70396038
Legal Reg: 448654k
Com­pa­ny regis­ter: Han­dels­ge­richt Wien


Web­site crea­ted with by quick brown fox