Proud to showcase

City­Wa­ve – Sea­son 6.

Our beau­tiful City­Wa­ve is run­ning sin­ce 2017 at the Mul­ti­plex Ter­ras­sen in the Shop­ping City Süd
(which we call now the Sur­fing City Süd).

With 10k+ surf ses­si­ons each sea­son and an ope­ra­ting gra­de over 90% this arti­fi­ci­al wave is one of the most suc­cessful sur­fing faci­li­ties world­wi­de. The Aus­tri­an Cham­pi­on­ships and the City­wa­ve Pro World Tour bring high class spor­ti­ve events, and events like the inflat­a­bles cham­pi­on­ships or weekly DJ-sets on fri­days gua­ran­tee per­fect entertainment.